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PDO threads are used to lift and tighten the eyebrows and the part of the face above the eyes.

  • 250 British pounds

Service Description

Please be aware the treatment may cost more dependent on how many threads you require. When it comes to achieving the fox eye look, the PDO thread brow lift offers several advantages. Firstly, the threads are strategically placed to lift the eyebrows, repositioning them higher on the forehead. This results in a more open and lifted eye area, giving the illusion of larger, more almond-shaped eyes. The lift provided by the threads can also help to reduce the appearance of hooded eyelids, further enhancing the overall effect. The PDO thread brow lift procedure is performed under local anaesthesia or with the use of topical numbing creams to ensure patient comfort. The treatment area is thoroughly cleansed, and the threads are strategically inserted into the brow area. The number and placement of threads depend on the individual's specific needs and desired brow shape. The procedure typically takes around 30 to 60 minutes, and most individuals can resume their regular activities shortly afterward, with some temporary swelling or bruising.

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